Sunday, December 9, 2007

firearm season for deer

The Firearm deer season ended today. Not a good season for me as far a freezer filling, but I enjoy every trip I spend a field. I will still hunt some in the late bow season but it is getting real chilly up here and so sitting in a tree stand does loose some of its appeal.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

red squirrel VS ruffed grouse

Went hunting for deer this evening. No deer but I did see something I have never seen before. A Red squirrel was munching on the two ears of corn I had brought for the deer when a ruffed grouse came into the clearing and started over to see if the corn was any good. The squirrel took exception to this and attacked. The grouse held it own for a few seconds but the squirrel did not let up and the grouse finally took off to find easier pickings. First round goes to the mammal. Vick's dogs have nothing on these two.

Monday, November 12, 2007

bow hunting

early bow season is winding down. it has been spotty for me. seen a few deer but no shots sense the clipped doe mess.
The firearm seasons begin next weekend and so hope for better luck then. sighted in rifles yesterday and so my shoulder is sore. But it is a good sore.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

why bother

We butchered chickens last Sunday, 30 of them, with just the two of us, alot of work, started at 10 am and did not finish until 8pm. we would not raise our own and do all this work, but the meat is better and we know what went into the chicken. We almost do it in self defence.

I have not been doing much hunting, poor weather and Mother's medical problems but, even when I have gone I have been skunked. Will give it another try this evening. Did take the dog out grouse hunting, jumped four but no shots. the dog seem to think that I can shoot further than I really can.

I could probably write more but no one is reading this so "why bother"

Thursday, September 27, 2007

cliped deer

i clipped a doe last week with the bow. just clipped her. did not get her. There is a three page story here that is very interesting but since no one is reading this anyway I don't see the point.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Opener of bow

Saturday was the opening of the bow hunting season for deer in the State of Confusion. i never get to excited about getting a deer this early but i all way put in an appearance in the stand opening day. Saw a couple of does, no shots and a small flock of turkey. Ten years ago that would have made the local papers. At that time we had no turkeys and very few deer. All in all it was a good evening on stand.

Then I find out the next day that i had trespassers! It is bear season also and those fucken bear hunter seem the think the they can hunt any where they want. I was told that I had 15 guys, 8 trucks and a dozen dog in on my property. where they shot and took out a bear. i wish I would have caught the bastards. I am so tired of these fuckheads acting like they are above the law. In all the years I have owned the land not once have any of these cocksuckers ever asked permission to hunt. They don't pay the taxes on the land so they should stay the hell off.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

chemical lane clearing

I went out tonight and sprayed chemical herbicide on a opening, a shooting lane and the west property line of my hunting land. I don't like to use chemical but I ran out of time to mechanically clear the area.

I also found out the the neighbor on the little piece of land has been putting up stand again. these two are elevated box stand that look like houses. I know, it is his right to do what ever he wants on his land, but I don't have to like it. My problem is they hunt four or five guys on the property and so screw up my hunting. also now I have stand envy.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

insurance companies

This is the third time in the pass year that I have been dropped by a house insurance company. What is it with these people. They seen to feel that they are doing me a favor by taking my money. I have had my house for twenty years and have had one claim. These people make money on me. But now they don't like my steps. they don't like my yard. they don't like my shingles. they don't like my out buildings. If you don't like the stuff in my yard then stay the hell off my land! The newest one is they canceled me because I have chickens. Now I have not done the research but I do not believe that there has been a documented case of a chicken attacking and kill a person in recent history. At least my chickens have never showed tendencies toward being man eaters.

The biggest problem is that these companies are run by people who live in big cities, most of them have never seen a chicken except on TV. and then it was being cooked!! They have no idea what rural life is like and yet they get to make all the rules. It is about time they realized that we are the customer and we deserve some respect.

Friday, August 17, 2007

runways and cribs

No I don't mean where models walk and rappers live.

I have been back out cutting runways and shooting lanes. seems like that work is never done. I am going to use some chemical later this month. got to get ready for bow hunting it opens middle of Sept.

Been doing some different work with my inmates. The power company drew down one of the local flowages. The local citizens wildlife grope has hired my crew to go out on the dry lake bed and repair all the fish crib that have been placed there over the years. We are finding all kinds of stuff, lures, can old bottles. You can see where this old farm was. the foundation are still there. the county road that was flooded out is still usable and the driveways still have there culverts under then. It is a surreal world.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Camping and fishing

Went camping this weekend and got to do some fishing. Caught a bunch of pan fish, hooked into four northern pike but only got one in the canoe.

We stayed at one of the State Parks we have here in the State of Confusion. I just don't understand the fee system in the parks. My tax dollars pay for the park but I still have to pay again just for the privilege of driving on to the property. Now I understand paying for camping but a trespass fee to go onto public owned land! That is just wrong! I can even understand charging the out of staters. They did not pay taxes for the park but those of us who live in the state are being hit with double indemnity. wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007


It has been hotter than hell up here in the north woods. After working all day in the heat I have no wish to get out and get anything done in the deer woods. Need to get out the bow and get some practice in. need to build and repair stands. really need for it to cool off some!

Sunday, July 22, 2007

more work

This is the first day in about a month when the Temp. is below 80 and I have the day off at the same time. I got out and did some brush cutting on my hunting land. cleared both the wildlife opening and the new shooting lane for my fathers stand.

The neighbor was up. he was putting a stand on one of my best runaways about 20 yards over the fence. This really burns me, Cuz I have had the area to myself for so long, and now with four people hunting a long twenty really messes things up. I know they have cost me deer.

Now that having been said, I really have nothing to whine about! It is his land and he can do what he want as long as he stays on his side of the fence. I guess jealousy is a hard thing to work through.

Monday, July 9, 2007


Its hot out!!! Not the time of year you would think much about hunting, right? The only thing is that the apples are falling, the little on anyway, and they have to be cleaned up. so now is the time to think of where you want your bait stations this year. Some of you may not believe in baiting. That's OK. Frankly I don't care if you do it or not, I do. I do not use a feeding station bait system, I use a stop bait system. I just put down enough bait to stop the deer and give me a better shot and so cleaner kill.

I finally got some fishing in. worked the river for small mouth bass. only got a few and no big ones but it's still better that working.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

bears and deer

I saw a sow bear today with four cubs. all seem to be health now but I do not think she can raise all of them. I have never seen one sow with four cubs before. new record for me.

The bachelor group is back! I have a group of bucks that spend their summer's in the field and swamp behind my house. There is always at least one nice one in the bunch and this year is no exception. He already has six and the antlers and not even close to being done growing yet. I seldom hunt these deer due to access problems. I have made one kill out of the group before. I took a nice eight point a couple years back.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007


I have been doing some scouting. well truth be told I am always scouting. But I did have an encounter with a small buck today that was worth noting. I was walking on an old road that my crew is brushing when I saw the deer about 45 yards up in front of me. I kept moving until he noticed me. i expected him to run but he was just not sure what I was. I let go a number of fawn bleats and that seen to confuse the buck even more. He started to come to me, at about 20 yard he stopped and just looked at me. I kept bleating but he would not move. I finally got bored with just standing there and I walked toward the deer. I got about 10 yard from him before he decided to run. Then when he tried to jump off the road the brush piled up seem to be in his way. I just kept coming and he stayed about 15 yard ahead of me looking for a place to get off the road. when he finally found one he ran off three of four jumps then stopped to see if I was going to follow. It was a younger deer, maybe last years fawn. Those few minutes made my whole week!

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

food plots?

Well I finally got them done. Never again will I try to do food plots by hand. It is just to much work!!

I see and hear from the Dem. debates the Capital Hillery has her entire campaign strategy planed out. "Its Bush's war, Its Bush's war, Its Bush's war." But then that is the perfect liberal strategy, Don't have any real ideas to help the country, just blame the President.

Have you seen anything in the news about the shootings at V.T. lately. No and I think I know why. Instead of passing all kinds of new restrictive gun laws there was a push in that State to make it easier to get a concealed carry permit. This is so that possible, some armed citizen, could have stopped that deranged bastard before he killed all those people. As soon as the liberal news media found that out, they dropped the whole story like a hot potato. Selective reporting, that is the way the Press has been trying to rule this country from the get go.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

The Barber is gone

I am here to report the closing of a local institution. The Barber in my area has closed down her shop for good. Now this may not seem like a big deal to those of you who live in populated areas, but up her in the woods it is a big deal. Our nearest Barber is now about 20+ miles away. we can't just go down the block to the next shop. Yea I am whining a little, but I still would not want to live in the city.

The food plots are coming along, got three more in the other night. Still slow going with a walk behind tiller and a rake. I am getting the job done. The first ones I planted are starting to come up. If the critters don't eat all the plants now, there will be corn for them to eat this fall.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Of food plots and ticks

Food Plots, another thing the Hunters do in the off season to improved their hunting experience. This is my first real try at it. I put in two small plots today one in Bio-logic and the other in corn. Now I have no tractor or other large machinery to help so I am doing this with a small walk behind tiller and a rake. slow going so far. I figure I need to put in another six plots and that this will take me the rest of the week.

When i got home tonight I looked down at my jeans and they were crawling with ticks. By the time I got done picking I must of had 30 or more for my tick jar (see earlier post). Only eight of them were bit in. that's not bad!!!!!! I pity the hunters who are trying to turkey hunt now.

Friday, May 11, 2007


Another sign of spring here in the north land. The Black bear are out. I have seen two of them in the past week. Also two people at work have had problems with bears one took out a bird feeder and the other took all the siding off the side of a house. life in the wilderness, never boring.

Monday, May 7, 2007

Fishing opener

This weekend was the fishing opener here in the State of Confusion. I did not fish, seldom do on the opener, just to many people out there. Also I have yet to get into town and pick up my licence for the year. When you live off the beaten path everything you need to buy means a trip. With gas prices to day ( I blame Bush) (see earlier post) you don't make any more than you have to.

The turkey are still displaying in the fields. They are just teasing me.

The Sucker run has come and gone. I missed it again. ( I blame Bush) Oh well I never keep them anyway, just catch them for fun.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Hunter Education

The Hunter Ed. class I have been running ended yesterday. All students tested out and passed. I ended up with nine students, three came in at the last minute on the first day. One night during the class the local Game Warden came in to give his talk, while there he presented me with my plaque for twenty five years as an instructor, Of course I have been teaching for about twenty eight years but the State of Confusion is always a little behind.

With the class behind me, I can now start working on other things, like getting lawn equipment running and best of all get stuff ready for fishing. The game fish season opens the middle of this month.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Turkey hunting

Spent the lst three days Turkey hunting, well really turkey guiding, for my son. He did not fill his tag but we did have fun, seen lots of birds and call in a couple good size toms. Just not close enough. No shots were taken and so no wounded birds either.

Had a strange thing happen though, on Saturday morning we went out to our blind in the pre-morning darkness to find the blind was not there. It was gone, out of sight, only our chairs remained. I found it about 100 yds. away in a swamp. Wind must have caught it and sent it flying. This put a damper on hunting for awhile but we found a different area to set up in and kept hunting.

The best thing, as always, was spending time with my son, we don't get time alone much anymore and hunting is our "guy time" together.

Also note that the Hunter Education class I teach starts this evening. small turn out this year only six signed up. I think caused by a combination of low number of kid of that age and the fact that the schools are teaching it as a summer school course. The schools would not even let me put out a flier to the classes, they said it was a conflict of interest. The only conflict was that they get paid to teach the class and they did not want me getting any of there students. Maybe the day of the volunteer instructor is coming to an end.

Monday, April 16, 2007

gun control

A tragedy at Virgina Tech today. It is terrible what people are capable of doing to each other.

But as predicted, the liberal press doesn't care about the victims. All they want is another chance to yell for more gun control. Cuz as we all know if there were just stricter gun laws this tragedy never would have happen. BULL SHIT. Gun restrictive laws do not take guns out the the hands of criminals or those intent on violence, they only take guns from honest Americans.

Baning things has never worked. We passed laws to band drugs. Are they no longer a problem?

They tried a thing back in the 20's called Prohibition. It was a law baning all alcohol. Did it stop alcohol from being use or sold in the U.S.? No, it just moved it underground. It also turned a bunch of low life hoods into millionaire gang leaders. Baning of alcohol is what made the organized crime families of today.

restrictive gun laws would just repeat our mistakes of the pass and bring into power a whole new group of millionaire organized criminals.

Again my heart gos out to the victims of this tragedy. Let us remember that passing laws in a knee jerk reaction to this incident will not help them, nor will it stop future incidents.

Sunday, April 15, 2007


Time for me to weight in on this whole Imus thing. First off what he said was and is degrading to women. But then that was why he was on the air. He is a shock jock. that is what they do. they say thing to piss people off and raise a stir. That was why CBS hired him to be on the radio. Now because the liberal press decides to go hog while on this, CBS has a change a heart and fires him. How two faced can they be. Black "music" and black comedians have been degrading women for years as part of there act. the only difference here is that it was a White man who said it as part of his act. Because that is what he does on the air, is his act. Don't get me wrong I don't like shock jocks, I feel that they are a waste of air time. but enough people do like them that all the major networks have at least one working for them, expect CBS of course.

My biggest problem with the whole thing is that it is blatant discrimination. If a black shock jock, although I don't know if one exists, would have referred to a mostly white sports team and a bunch of honky, cracker looking peckerwoods, it would not have even made the news, let along been the lead story for a week. And with out the liberal press getting on the band wagon there would have been not public out cry from the "rainbow collation" and the DJ would not have been fired.

The "coalition" need to come down on the rappers and comedians and prove to the rest of us that they are not just a bunch of racist. Which in this Case they again seem to be.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

spring tasks

Have been working on one of the many spring tasks that hunters have to do to maintain their sport. I have been creating a shooting lane for one of my fathers stands.

I am amazed at the number of people who think that the only time you need to think about hunting is during season. I even know some "hunters" who think that way. Hunting is not a pass time for the days of fall. Hunting is a way of life and therefor keeps you busy most of the year. There is always something to do, like clearing shooting lanes.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

election day

It's election day. I just got back from doing my civic duty, You have to vote, if you don't you have no right to complain about the government. I intend to complain when I want to, so I vote!

While writing this I looked out my window and it is snowing, from left to right. just about a white out. That is the great thing about the weather up here, if you don't like it wait around for ten minutes and it will change. little snow now would be a good thing, make checking for turkey tracks even easier.

Monday, April 2, 2007


it is happening as I type. Break-up, that magical time of year when the ice releases the water ways of the north land. The river are all open and most of the lake are just a rainfall away from being the same. The trees are starting to bud, some of the grass is greening up, the yard is full of standing water, the sump pump is running 24 seven and it is only a short time until the bugs will arrive in swarms............. man I miss winter already!!!!!!!!

Monday, March 26, 2007

turkeys and bear ticks

As I left for work this morning i let out a couple of yelps, just for the hell of it, and the whole area around my house erupted with gobbles. now I am all pumped for turkey season and have no tag. i did a little scouting this evening. saw a few birds and got my first bear (deer) tick for the season. I have a jar a alcohol that I collect all the tick I get in the year. I know it is sick but what do you expect. we get bored hear in the State of Confusion. For those of you keeping score, that is if anyone is reading this, i finally passed that kidney stone I told you about a long time ago. yeppy for me.

Monday, March 12, 2007


turkey season is coming up here in the State of Confusion. i did not get a tag, but I did use my landowner points to get my son a tag. This is best anyway, the way things are going something would screw up my hunting this spring anyway. This give me more time to do my hunter education program this spring. i started doing it in the spring as to not conflict with hunting. the along came Turkey hunting and that all went out the window.

i know it has been over a month since my last posting, but no one is reading this anyway so I do not feel all that bad. No wonder no one keep p their posting on these things.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

friendly fire

The released the tape today of the US pilot attacking the British unit in Iraq. It was caused by pour info. and poor training. I feel for both the Brits on the ground and the men in the planes. They will have to live with it the rest of their lives.

This will just be one more rally point for the Dems. Another reason for Hillery to get up on her soap box and yell that war is bad. Yea we all know war is bad. I have never heard of a good war, people die, good people, on both sides. The problem is that sometimes war is necessary. It does not matter if you agree with this one or not, the fact is we are there and now we have to finish it. When it is all over then we can argue about it, and blame Bush for the whole thing. I don't think he will care. Just do not forget that there are alot of brave kids over there fighting for their country. Let's not say or do anything that will make them believe that we do not support them.

Monday, January 29, 2007

gray wolf / force march

I heard on the local news tonight the the Feds may take the gray wolf off the endangered species list. It would be a good thing, this way States could legally control the population. I don't want to see them all killed and that could happen if the population is allowed to continue to grow unchecked.

I had a great day at the prison. I was transporting a work crew out of the camp and about 2.5 miles from the camp the state van broke down. well the radio system the State of Confusion uses, sucks and there is no cell reception. So what else was there to do. I force marched the entire crew the 2.5 miles back to the camp. They were not happy, but then neither was I. The walk was not all that long but all of us had winter boots on not walking shoes and it was about three degrees above. What the hell just a brisk walk.

Sunday, January 28, 2007


After watching another episode of the Elect Hillery Show, (the national network news) I have come to a life changing decision. I am becoming a liberal! it seems the only thing to do. Think about it. As a Conservative you have to have independent thought, You even have to come up with ideas that will help this country. That's alot of work. As a liberal all you have to do is blame Pres. Bush. How much easier could it be. so from now on I am not going to fret about what needs to be done to keep this country safe and growing economically. when ever anything goes wrong I will just blame Bush. /\ The people in the middle east are killing eachs other over religion, I blame bush. /\ The Russians are killing their own people living in other countries with radioactive material, I blame Bush. /\ I have a flat tire on my truck, I blame Bush. This is great.

Thursday, January 25, 2007


Sorry to all my faithful readers. I have been busy working overtime and taking care of my ailing mother and so have not posted for awhile. I know you "all" will forgive me for being lax.

Saturday, January 20, 2007


Hello, hello, hello, is there anybody in there!!!!!!! Have not be on for awhile, hard to get motivated if there is no one reading this. Not that I blame you, i tried to find this blog the other day and was unable to. and I know the name of it. If there is anybody out there please leave a comment. anything even a grunt so I know if this is working. if I am the only one reading this then the experiment is a failure.

Monday, January 15, 2007

giving birth/MLKBD

Yesterday I spent 15 hours trying to give birth to a kidney stone! not alot of fun! Those of you who have ever had the experience know what I am talking about. Those of you who have not had the experience consider yourself lucky.

today is the day we remember King. I have never really understood this. i know that the liberals needed a minority to use for a federal day off but i feel that there are people more deserving that King. George Washington Carver for example. Through his work with the lowly peanut he started an entire industry and created many many jobs for people here in the US. But then I guess it is more important to the liberals to honor some one who was controversial and carver the media attention than someone who worked hard and did good for his people and the whole nation.

I guess truth be told I do know why King got his federal Holiday over Carver. King was killed by some dumb ass racist who did not have any idea what he was doing. First off you do not just kill some one because you don't like his skin color or politics. This is the United States, we are suppose to be part of the civilized world. Second if the killer thought he would somehow stop the civil right movement buy killing King then he was a complete moron. All he did is make King a martyr, and a martyr's cause will last for ever.

Several martyrs came out of that time in our history. King, J.F.K, and Bobby K. just to mention a few. I really feel that they would not be as highly thought of today, if they had been allowed to live. By now enough dirt would have been dug up on all of them to put them on the same level as we now hold Nixon.

Friday, January 12, 2007

nude pics

you will not find any nude pics of me on this site. believe me that is a good thing, I have seen me with no cloths on and you don't want to.

another reason there are no pics is that I am not a lover of new technology. i don't have a digital camera and even if i did I do not think I could figure out how to put a pic on this blog. There is always hope though. I may break down and get the camera and even take the time to learn how to post pics. But there still won't be any nude ones.

I do feel the electronic and technology have changed human life and not all for the better. i work in a government institution and we have all kinds of ways to communicate with other employees. there is, fax, e-mail, and voice mail. The one thing we do not do anymore is talk to one another. I have never understood why you would send a e-mail to someone who is in the office just down the hall. get up off your fat ass (mine included) and walk to their office and have a conversation with them. I believe we could eliminate half the bad feeling around the office if people would just talk.

having reread my last statement it is ironic that I am making it on a blog!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007


spent the afternoon hauling in firewood. That is just something we do up here in the north woods. I wise man once told me that a man who cuts his own firewood is warmed twice. As many times as I move my wood I think I am warmed four or five times! Wood is the way to go if you can, it is cheaper than gas or oil and it is renewable. Not that I am an Eco-terrorists or any thing, it is just that up here there is so much wood. I also see so much of it going to waste due to the stupid State regulations. The government need to think before they pass laws. to often someone setting behind a desk in the state Capital make rules that effect parts of the state that this person has never even seen. no hunting or fishing to report today been to busy working.

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

new years resolution

I had resolved to start this blog on new years day. well I am a little slow but a least I got it done.

The deer hunting season here in the state of confusion is now over. It was a poor year for me, i saw few deer and bagged none. Bad luck and bad planing had somthing to do with it but also the increase in the gray wolf population played a roll. and those bleeding heart liberal judges refuse to let the State do anything about it. I am afraid that the people and going to be taking matters into there own hands, as a matter of fact I know that they already have. i am trained in wildlife Mgt. and know that vigil anti hunters is not the answer, but as one of those hunters I know the frustration that they face.

first time for everything

never had all that much luck on these computers. we will see if I can make this work. I have been going onto blogs for awhile now and do enjoy them. what I do not enjoy are blog that are only added to on a mothly basis. you would think that if you went to all that trouble to set one of these up you would have enough to say to update it ever few days.

This blog will contain hunting and fishing and other outdoor activities. It will alos contain my rants oneverthing from politics to the price of eggs. i will say up front that if I by some chance offend anyone, that's just to bad, if you don't like the content log off.