Tuesday, June 19, 2007


I have been doing some scouting. well truth be told I am always scouting. But I did have an encounter with a small buck today that was worth noting. I was walking on an old road that my crew is brushing when I saw the deer about 45 yards up in front of me. I kept moving until he noticed me. i expected him to run but he was just not sure what I was. I let go a number of fawn bleats and that seen to confuse the buck even more. He started to come to me, at about 20 yard he stopped and just looked at me. I kept bleating but he would not move. I finally got bored with just standing there and I walked toward the deer. I got about 10 yard from him before he decided to run. Then when he tried to jump off the road the brush piled up seem to be in his way. I just kept coming and he stayed about 15 yard ahead of me looking for a place to get off the road. when he finally found one he ran off three of four jumps then stopped to see if I was going to follow. It was a younger deer, maybe last years fawn. Those few minutes made my whole week!

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