Sunday, April 15, 2007


Time for me to weight in on this whole Imus thing. First off what he said was and is degrading to women. But then that was why he was on the air. He is a shock jock. that is what they do. they say thing to piss people off and raise a stir. That was why CBS hired him to be on the radio. Now because the liberal press decides to go hog while on this, CBS has a change a heart and fires him. How two faced can they be. Black "music" and black comedians have been degrading women for years as part of there act. the only difference here is that it was a White man who said it as part of his act. Because that is what he does on the air, is his act. Don't get me wrong I don't like shock jocks, I feel that they are a waste of air time. but enough people do like them that all the major networks have at least one working for them, expect CBS of course.

My biggest problem with the whole thing is that it is blatant discrimination. If a black shock jock, although I don't know if one exists, would have referred to a mostly white sports team and a bunch of honky, cracker looking peckerwoods, it would not have even made the news, let along been the lead story for a week. And with out the liberal press getting on the band wagon there would have been not public out cry from the "rainbow collation" and the DJ would not have been fired.

The "coalition" need to come down on the rappers and comedians and prove to the rest of us that they are not just a bunch of racist. Which in this Case they again seem to be.

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